Can you believe it? People stopped me at the party and told me that they recognized me from youtube. Me? They walked up to me and hugged me as if I were famous.
"OMG are you Ravergirl?"
"dude dude, this chick is a LEGEND, she has amazing videos on youtube."
"Remember that video I couldn't stop talking about last week.... THIS IS THE CHICK!!!"
People came down from everywhere it was awesome. People from the balcony came down to say hello to me.
Besides the internet fame, I has a lot of fun spending my time dancing around getting a lot of hugs and hanging out with Patrick, Andrei and the gs.cers who made it.
Breakfast was the opening act, he played "waiting here for you" by thrill seekers... and that's like Patrick and I's SONG. So it was aweosme.
Ferry Corsten Dropped FIRE, and BEAUTIFUL... that made the night. Everyone went nuts! Best songs ever, cleanest DJing ever. Great night.
Smallest venue I've ever been too. I felt like I was in a slightly bigger high school gym.
Patrick and I went to his storage unit and he gave me his 27 inch flat screen TV. Its so pretty. I like it a lot.
Patrick is awesome.
What can I say, I'm crazy about the guy.
Over all really awesome weekend that I wish could never end.
Now I gotta work 6 days in a row, Boo.
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